全日制英語幼児園 YMCA Global Kindergarten (YGK)では、園児たちが11月のテーマ、の一つとして “Our Community(私たちのコミュニティー)” について学んでいます。YMCAの近隣を歩いて、“Post office”, “Bank”, “Police station”, “City hall” 等、様々な人たちが私たちの暮らしを支えていてくれることに気づきました。また、そこで働いている人々がどのような仕事をしているのか等も学びました。
11月20日(木)には、このテーマ学習の一環として、カブクラス(年長)の園児たちが “Library(図書館)” に出かけました。関内から電車に乗って一駅。桜木町駅から徒歩にて向かいました。
At the YMCA Global Kindergarten, our monthly theme for November is “our community”. As part of their social awareness development the children learn about the people around us, what they do for us and with us.
This year, we took a walk around the YMCA and found out that so many community helpers are here to support our daily needs. We found a post office, a bank, a police station, the city hall, etc. in our community. We also learned how they serve us.
On Thursday, November 20, we visited a library in Sakuragicho. We enjoyed reading lots of books there. Some of us liked storybooks while others were interested in science books… There are so many books in the library!! We didn't have enough time for all of them!!
Before we returned to school, we borrowed some books at the counter. We learned that we can’t keep those books for ourselves, but we can borrow them for a certain period of time.
The leaves on the trees are turning to beautiful colors. There is a chill in the air at times. Winter is on its way, we are ready! Stay healthy, let's all have fun together!
(中央YMCA 中村 礼子)